Automatic peanut bud machine

Update: 2017/11/14      View:
  • Brand:    Disheng
  • Type:    HSYJ-30
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Peanut bud energy, protein and crude fat content in the first of a variety of vegetables, and rich in vitamins, potassium, calcium, iron, zinc and other minerals and the human body needs a variety of amino acids and trace elements, known as "Wanshou Guo bud".
Nutrition is particularly rich, the study found that peanut buds resveratrol content is 100 times higher than peanuts than wine in the resveratrol content of dozens or even hundreds times higher health care value.
Peanut bud can also make peanut protein hydrolyzed into amino acids, easy to absorb the body; fat is converted to heat, fat content is greatly reduced, for fear of obesity is recommended long-term use, at the same time, improve the use of various essential trace elements rate.
Nutritious peanut sprouts have unique nutritional value, rich in organic selenium and resveratrol, while rich in amino acids, dietary fiber, minerals, trace elements and vitamins. With selenium supplement, conditioning the human body mechanism, disease prevention and other functions, often eat can anti-aging, anti-cancer, anti-fatigue, digestion, lipid-lowering, detoxification and other comprehensive food health benefits. Resveratrol contained in peanut buds
100 times higher than peanuts, high health care value. Resveratrol is an important plant antitoxin, which has obvious effects of inhibiting cancer cells, lowering blood fat, preventing and curing cardiovascular diseases, resisting oxidation and aging. The nutritional value of peanut bud among the best among vegetables.
Efficacy and Function of Peanut Buds
Rich in protein, can enhance the body's immune system
Often easy to catch a cold can eat peanut buds, can effectively improve their own resistance, eat more will not be so vulnerable to infection.
Inhibit cancer cells
Once the body infected with cancer cells, it must be a fatal blow. Then we can effectively prevent the growth of cancer cells by eating more anti-cancer foods, and peanut buds are a good choice.
anti aging
We often say that drinking wine can delay aging, from time to time to buy a bottle of wine back to drink, so you can beauty and health. In fact, the resveratrol content of peanut sprouts is higher than that of resveratrol in wine by tens or even hundreds times. People who often eat peanut buds will look younger!
lose weight
Some pretty girls often ask how they can lose weight, and the common method is to diet. In fact, diet is not the best way. Peanut germination after its protein is broken down into amino acids, reduced fat content, nutrient content more abundant, more easily absorbed by the body, so as to achieve weight loss, beauty effect.
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